Basic keyboard shortcuts:

  • Command ⌘ + X: Cut. [IF YOU’RE USING XTRAFINDER.APP]
  • Command ⌘ + C: Copy.
  • Command ⌘ + V: Paste.
  • Command ⌘ + Z: Undo the previous action.
  • Command ⌘ + A: Select all.
  • Command ⌘ + F: Find items in a document or open a search window.
  • Command ⌘ + G: Find next.
  • Command ⌘ + H: Hide the windows of the foreground app.
  • Command ⌘ + M: Minimize the front window.
  • Command ⌘ + N: Open a new window or document.
  • Command ⌘ + O: Open the selected item.
  • Command ⌘ + P: Print.
  • Command ⌘ + S: Save.
  • Command ⌘ + W: Close the front window.
  • Command ⌘ + Q: Quit the application.
  • Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + Esc: Force quit or close an app.
  • Command ⌘ + Space: Show or hide the Spotlight search field.
  • Space: Quick look at the selected item.
  • Command ⌘ + Tab: Switch between apps.
  • Shift + Command ⌘ + Tilde (~): Switch to the next most recently used window of the front app.
  • Command ⌘ + Comma (,): Open the preferences for the front app.
  • Command ⌘ + Shift + 3: Capture a full-screen screenshot.
  • Command ⌘ + Shift + 4: Capture a selected portion of the screen.
  • Shift + Command ⌘ + Delete ⌫: Empty the Trash.
  • Control ⌃ + Command ⌘ + Space: PopUp Window for the «Character Viewer».

Keyboard shortcuts for the Finder:

  • Command ⌘ + D: Duplicate selected files.
  • Command ⌘ + E: Eject selected disk or volume.
  • Command ⌘ + F: Search in Spotlight from the Finder window.
  • Command ⌘ + I: Show the Get Info window for the selected file.
  • Command ⌘ + N: Open a new Finder window.
  • Shift + Command ⌘ + N: Create a folder.
  • Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + N: Create a smart folder.
  • Command ⌘ + 1: View items as icons.
  • Command ⌘ + 2: View items as a list.
  • Command ⌘ + 3: View items in columns.
  • Command ⌘ + Down Arrow ⬇: Open the selected item.
  • Command ⌘ + Mission Control ⎋: Show desktop.
  • Shift + Command ⌘ + C: Open the Computer window.
  • Shift + Command ⌘ + D: Open the Desktop folder.
  • Shift + Command ⌘ + F: Open the All My Files window.
  • Shift + Command ⌘ + G: Open the Go to Folder window.
  • Shift + Command ⌘ + H: Open the Home folder for the active user account.
  • Shift + Command ⌘ + I: Open iCloud Drive.
  • Shift + Command ⌘ + K: Open the Network window.
  • Shift + Command ⌘ + L: Open the Downloads folder.
  • Shift + Command ⌘ + O: Open the Documents folder.
  • Shift + Command ⌘ + R: Open the AirDrop window.
  • Control ⌃ + Shift + Command ⌘ + T: Add the selected item to the Dock.
  • Shift + Command ⌘ + U: Open the Utilities folder.
  • Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + D: Show or hide the Dock.
  • Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + P: Show or hide the path bar in windows.
  • Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + S: Show or hide the sidebar in windows.
  • Command ⌘ + /: Show or hide the status bar in windows.
  • Command ⌘ + J: Show view options.
  • Command ⌘ + K: Open the Connect to Server window.
  • Command ⌘ + T: Show or hide a Finder tab.
  • Command ⌘ + Y: Preview files with Quick Look.
  • Command ⌘ + [: Go to the previous folder.
  • Command ⌘ + ]: Go to the next folder.

Keyboard shortcuts for the Finder:

  • Command ⌘ + B: Bold.
  • Command ⌘ + I: Italicize.
  • Command ⌘ + U: Underline.
  • Fn + Up Arrow : Move up one page.
  • Fn + Down Arrow ⬇: Move down one page.
  • Fn + Left Arrow ⬅: Go to the beginning of the document.
  • Fn + Right Arrow ⮕: Go to the end of the document.
  • Control ⌃ + A: Move to the beginning of the line or paragraph.
  • Control ⌃ + E: Move to the end of the line or paragraph.
  • Command ⌘ + {: Left-align.
  • Command ⌘ + }: Right-align.
  • Shift + Command ⌘ + |: Center-align.
  • Command ⌘ + T: Show or hide the Fonts window.
  • Shift + Command ⌘ + Colon (:): Show the Spelling and Grammar window.
  • Control ⌃ + Command ⌘ + D: Show or hide the definition of the selected word.
  • Shift + Command ⌘ + P: Show the Document Settings window.

Keyboard shortcuts for logging out, restarting, and shutting down the Mac:

  • Control ⌃ + Power Button ⏻: View the window with sleep, restart, or shutdown options.
  • Control ⌃ + Command ⌘ + Power Button ⏻: Force restart.
  • Control ⌃ + Shift + Power Button ⏻: Put the display to sleep.
  • Control ⌃ + Command ⌘ + Eject Key ⏏: Close all applications and restart.
  • Control ⌃ + Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + Power Button ⏻: Close all apps and shut down.
  • Shift + Command ⌘ + Q: Log out of the user account with a confirmation prompt.
  • Option ⌥ + Shift + Command ⌘ + Q: Log out of the user account without a confirmation prompt.

Keyboard shortcuts during Mac startup:

  • Shift: Boot in Safe Mode.
  • Option ⌥: Boot to the startup manager to choose other startup disks.
  • C: Boot from a CD, DVD, or USB.
  • D: Boot from Apple Hardware Test or Apple Diagnostics, depending on the Mac model.
  • N: Boot from a NetBoot server if available.
  • Command ⌘ + R: Boot from macOS Recovery.
  • Option ⌥ + Command ⌘ + P + R: Reset NVRAM or PRAM.
  • Command ⌘ + S: Boot in single-user mode.
  • T: Boot in Target Disk Mode.
  • X: Boot from a different startup disk.
  • Command ⌘ + V: Boot in verbose mode.
  • Eject Key ⏏ + F12, Mouse Button or TrackPad Button: Eject removable media.
  • Command ⌘ + Option ⌥ + O + F: Access to BIOS Mac – Terminal EFI Mac like a BIOS in PC
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